Interested in Joining SGA?

Current Open Positions

Rules and Elections Director

Representative-at-Large (8)



Rules and Elections Director

The Rules and Elections Director's main role is to oversee both fall and spring elections and be the direct line of communication for interpreting the constitution and bylaws to Congress.


Senators serve as the voice of the student body to the University of Minnesota systemwide collegiate assembly. Senators represent the college they are a part of (CAHSS, CEHSP, LSBE, SCSE) They also meet regularly with the dean of their college to work on college-specific issues. UMD is made up of 7 senators; 2 SCSE, 1 LSBE, 2 CEHSP, and 2 CAHSS. These members sit on our Academic Affairs Committee.

Representative-at-Large Role Description

Representatives-at-Large are voting members of Congress who serve on both a committee within Student Association and a governance committee with staff and faculty on campus. These members make up most of Congress and work with executive members on various initiatives. There are 16 available positions.